Strong Bonds: A Tribute to God-Driven Masculinity

I am highly intimated, by a sensitive nature, by strong masculinity. So for me to wake feeling inspired to write this. . .

Well, let’s just say, it’s a God thing!!!

I woke up this morning, thinking about the men in my life.

God gave me a vision of this strong linked chain. I heard Him to say:

 “The men forge strong links that bond life in families, communities and His Kingdom. The women love into the links, lubricating them to move smoothly and cleanly in families, communities and Kingdoms. One cannot work without the other.”

Let’s share some personal examples without names, with exception of my dad and my husband. I’m going to do my best to honor these examples with “less words are more.”

*My Father linked his passionate love and seeking of excellence to me. Dr.Merle Flagg Warren.

*A science teacher in middle school told me I was working below my potential and challenged me to up my academic efforts.

*A family member brought me to the circus.

*High school boy—friend gave me the security of his friendship during a pivotal time in my life.

*A family member gave me freedom with my first car and sorority dorm life.

*A veterinarian took care of my first babies and furry babies to come and enriched our family life through pet care.

*A carpenter worked his way into my heart through ceiling beams and prayers.

*A young man lived with us for a while, and lived into his faithfulness to us and my daughters.

*A teacher/student leader brought one of my girls through her challenge on the mountain.

*A teacher/student coach lead our family through peer challenge and conflict with faithfulness.

*Two family members stepped into conflict (instead of out of it) and kept our family strong.

*New Christianity sparks grow of true God-given masculinity in a loyal friend.

*Test messages link strong bonds.”

*Neighbor trusts.”

*Husband, Dr. Rodger H. Elofson II, purposes his strength to link our weaknesses into a chain of God’s healing and goodness.

 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Men: The Choice is Yours:

Link Lives With Your Strength or Break Lives With Your Weight:

Broken Chain

If you are single woman, God’s Best for you, is worth the wait. Accept nothing less. . .

If you are a married woman, God isn’t finished with your husband yet, Your husband is worth the wait. . .

If you are a single man, live to touch a woman’s life so you will make her heart list. . . .

If you are a married man, live into your destiny. What are you waiting for. . .

Let's Talk. . .