Horizon Hit for Fourth of July: God is Berry Good!

Lemon step  Collage

I have two amazing Horizon Hits to share with you. If you love beauty, creativity and kitchen workings, this is for you! I have a new friend and her name is Heather. These pics are shared with her permission. Now, I need you to go to her website, and get a free gift. A a lovely hand-lettered recipe card by her friend, Lindsay of Linsday Letters.

 This is your direct link:  www.thelovelycupboard.com

This is more fun than I can stand on one moment. Wait until you see these printable recipe cards. They are beyond delish and delightful!  Here’s my thought for the July Fourth. Make them red, white and blue. Mix up, blueberry jam and raspberries. Or raspberry jam and blue berries! How fun, easy and elegant. I’m going to make the lemon cake first and freeze the rounds for easy hostess put together on the serving day!

Thank you Heather for sharing, thank you Lindsay for lettering and thank you the combining your creativity in a gift for us. I’m passing it on to you! Hope printed mine, gorgeous and so fun. Heather and Lindsay, I’ll never be satisfied with any other recipe card again. Rotten spoiled!