It’s A Top Secret Mission


It’s a top secret mission, if you choose to accept it I think there is only one other person that knows about this little “personified practice of pause” God came up with.

The purpose:

1.  Increase my awareness of the Trinity:  Father/Son/Holy Spirit.

2.  Moving the power of this mystery amongst the community.

3.  It feels like a silent, sacred seal of God’s anointing.

Now that sounds all heavy and complex, but it’s not.  It’s child’s play in KINGDOM proportions.  So let’s not waste a moment’s time.  This game is like Candy Land.  Only rule is each turn, you jump ahead three squares 🙂  So, look for opportunities for three.  (Each time I say to myself, “sealed by the Trinity, Amen,” pray whatever He leads.)  Hug:  three pats, three balloons, the stamps, the roses, three!!!, three kisses, wipe your feet three times before entering a home.  Limitless opportunities.  Be intentional and have fun.  I don’t know what God is up to, I just know it is KINGDOM significant.  The more we play, the more Glory is released.  Imagine if you started a world movement.  Get started, everyone go to the bank, exchange one dollar for one hundred shiny new pennies.  Drop three on the sidewalk.  It is visible only in triad moves.  Wipe your feet three times, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Kiss that baby on the head three times, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Leave three gerber daisies at someone’s backdoor, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  My personal favorite is, pat someone on the back during a hug three times, Father, Son, and Holy Spirt.  It is sealing a touch of life with HIS hand.  Be creative.

Ready, set, go 🙂 🙂 🙂